Tentative list of college toppers for Annual Prize Distribution Function 2024-25. For any kind of query feel free to contact Dr. Shyam Kalia, Dr. Vikas Dhiman, Dr. Sanjeev (Maths) Pitamber Singh, Surender Singh, Bhism Dutt
Regarding extension of last date for depositing the second installment (UG/PG) of fee till 06/01/2025.
Regarding filing of online examination from for BA/ BSc/ BCom I, II year HPU portal upto 05/02/2025
College will remain closed for two days i.e. 27-28 December, 2024 on the mark of respect to the departed leader and Former Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh.
Regarding extension of last date for admission in UG classes upto 19/12/2024. All eligible Student can apply online on or before 19/12/2024.
Regarding the extension of last date for filling of second installment of fee before 20/12/2024
Regarding filing of scholarship to Divyang
Regarding extension of last for filling of scholarship form till 18/12/2024
Date Sheet for Mid- Term Examination, December 2024
Invitation for the HPU and SPU Inter- College Football (M) Championship
Regarding extension of date for admission in UG classes upto 05 October, 2024
Regarding Blood donation camp on 30/09/2024
Regarding extension of last date for admission in UG classes till 12/09/2024
Regarding the submission of online fee for admission in M.Sc.Physics first semester before 02/09/2025
Online applications are invited from the eligible candidates for admission (few vacant seats) in M.Sc. Physics first Semester till 30/08/2024
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission in MA Hindi first Semester in Physically Challenged category till 26/08/2024.
Regarding extension of last date for admission in UG classes till 31/08/2024
Regarding submission of admission fee online M.Sc. Physics (First Semester) before 15/08/2024
Regarding extension of the counseling date from 12/07/2024 to 13/07/2024 for admission in M.Sc. Physics first Semester.
Regarding extension of last date of admission for UG classes upto 14.08.2024
The enlisted candidates are advised to pay online admission fee before 09.08.2024
Online application are invited from eligible candidates for the admission in M.Sc.Physics first semester till 10.08.2024
The enlisted candidates M.Sc. First (Chemistry) semester(3rd Round of counseling) are directed to deposit the admission fee online before 07/08/2024
Regarding the couseling for admission in M.Sc. Physics First Semester who have applied before 25/07/2024 but not appear for counseling before admission committee
Regarding the counseling of M.Sc. Physics First Semester of the mentioned candidates of EWS, SC Category on 06-07/08/2024
Regarding invitation of quotation for auction of raddi/old papers before 12/08/2024 upto 11:00AM
The enlisted candidates M.Sc. First (Physics) semester are directed to deposit the admission fee online before 07/08/2024
4th Merit List of M.Com 1st Semester
Notice for the vacant seats of M.Com. Ist semester for the session 2024-25
Regarding filling of online scholarship from (fresh/renewal) for the session 2024-25
Regarding invitation of applications from eligible candidates in the EWS and SC category for admission in M.Sc. Physics first semester
Regarding verification and counseling schedule of the mentioned categories candidate for admission in M.Sc. Physics first Semester
Regarding submission of online admission fee(enlisted students) for Admission in M.Sc. Physics before 04/08/2024
Regarding invitation of application form the eligible candidates in specified categories in M.Sc. Chemistry (1st Semester) before 03/08/2024
Regarding Enrollment in the NCC Unit
Third Merit List of M.com. Ist Semester for the sesion 2024-25
Counseling Schedule for Admission in BCA (Non-Subsidised) Seats
Counseling Schedule for Admission in Non - Subsidised Seats in BCA
Regarding couseling of second merit candidates in M.Sc. Chemistry First Semester
Regarding Counseling of EWS for admission in M.Sc. Physics First Semester till 31/07/2024.
online application are invited from eligible SC category applicants till 31/07/2024 for admission in M.Sc. Physics First Semester
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates of prescribed categories for admission in M.Sc. Physics till 31/07/2024
Regarding last date for payment of admission fee of second merit list applicants M.Sc. Physics First Year
2nd Merit List of M.Com First Semester For the Session 2024-24
Regarding invitation of application for admission (M.Sc. Chemistry first Semester) form mentioned categories till 31/07/2024
Regarding extension of last date for admission in UG classs.
Walk in interview (Guest faculty) for the different posts in HEIS an B.Voc. on 29/07/2024 for the session 2024-25
Online application are invited from ST category for admission in MA Hindi first semester till 30/07/204
M.Sc. Physics Vacant Seats Notification
Waitnig List of M.Sc. Physics
First Merit List of M.Sc. Physics
Counseling of enlisted students for Non-subsidised seat in BCA first Semester
Tentative waiting list and counseling applicants for admission in M.Sc. First semester (Chemistry)
Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission in M.Com. first semester in specified categories till 28 July, 2024
Tentative 6th Merit List of BBA in Non Subsidised Category
Tentative 5th Merit List of BBA in Subsidised Category
Regarding Merit list for Admission in M.Com. First Semester and applicants are advised to appear for couseling as per prescribed schedule.
Tentative Merit List of M.Sc. Chemistry
Regarding counseling of the selected students in BCA First Semester on 26/07/2024 at 11:00 AM
Regarding counseling schedule for admission in M.Sc.(Physics) First Semester on 26-27/07/2024(11:00 AM t0 03:00PM)
Regarding Waiting list for MA Hindi first Semester
Regarding Merit List for admission in MA (Hindi) First Semester
Tentative 4th Merit List of BBA under Subsidised Category
Regarding Second Merit List for Admission in BCA
Third Merit List of BBA 1st Semester
Online APplications are invited for some vacant seats in BCA
Second Call for Vacant Reserved Seats in BBA
Second Merit List BBA
applications are invited from eligible student for admission in BBA First inSC, PWD, EWS, SP,CUL and ST Category till 21/07/2024
Online Applications are invited for some vacant seats in the mentioned categories in r/o admission in BBA 1st Sem
applications are invited from eligible student for admission in BCA First in PC,SP,CUL and ST Category till 22/07/2024
Merit list and counseling schedule for admission in B.Sc. LifeScience
Merit list and counseling schedule for admission in BCA First Year
Merit List and Counseling of BA First Year
Waiting List of BCA First Year
waiting list of BBA First Year
Merit list and counseling schedule(w.e.f. 16-18/07/2024) of BBA First Year
Merit list and counseling Schedule of B.Com. First Year
Merit List and Counseling Schedule of B.Sc. First Year (Physical Science)
Counseling Schedule of B.Voc. First Year (Hospitality and Tourism)
Counseling Schedule of B.Voc. First Year (Retail Management)
Admission schedule for PG courses(M.Sc./ M.Com./M.A. English, Hindi, Economics, M.B.A., PGDCA)
Regarding admission schedule for the session 2024-25
Admission Notice for the Session 2024-25
All the students are directed to make the Academic bank of Credit ID through Digi locker...
Regarding filling up of BA/ B Sc/ B Com second Year online examination form before 20/04/2024.
Annual Prize Distribution function for the Session 2022-23 and 2023-24
Annual Prize Distribution function 2023-24
Time- Table for B.com and M.Com. 2023-24
Regarding invitation of offline application for the admission in few seats M.Com. Second Semester
Regarding Extension of last date for filling-up of Examination Form for ESE and registration form of newly admitted students of 2023-24 (SPU Mandi).
Regarding wallet lost alongwith important documents.
Extension of last date for Scholarship
Regarding extension of last date to deposit second installment (UG/PG):of college fee till 05/01/2024
CSCA function "NAVRANG" on 29/12/2023
Golden Jubilee celebration
Golden Jubilee celebration
Information regarding Celebration of Golden Jubilee function
Regarding online program with All Saints College Trivandrum, Kerala under EK Bharat Shresth Bharat on 16/12/2023 at 11:00AM
One Day Workshop on Soft Skill for Mastering Professional Execellence organised by Department of English, on 02/12/2023
Regarding filling of examination form PG Classes First Semester
Regarding Deposition of admission fee before 07/11/2023
Regarding online filling of Scholarship form for state and centre sponsored scholarship scheme through NSP portal w.e.f 03 October, 2023.
Counselling schedule to be held on 30/09/2023 for admission in M.Sc. Physics 1st sem on some vacant seats.
The following candidates of M.Sc. Physics First Semester are directed to pay the admission fee before 23/09/2023
Applications are invited for vacant seats in BCA 1st Sem
List of candidates to appear for counselling for M.Sc Physics on 18/09/2023
The below mentioned candidates are advised to attend counseling for M.Com. First Semester on date 15/09/2023
The regular Classes of M.Sc. First Semester Physics will stars from 14th September, 2023
The candidates who have appeared for counseling M.Sc. Physics on 08/09/2023 are directed to deposit the fee before 11/09/2023
The following candidates are advised to appear for counseling for M.Com. First Semester on 09 & 11 September, 2023
The following candidates are directed to appear for counseling of M.Sc. Physics admission on 08/09/2023 (11:00AM-03:00PM)
Online applications are invited for few seat of the PGDCA upto 07/09/2023 & will be filled on first come, first serve basis.
Online application are invited in Cul, SP, PWD, SC category for admission in M.Sc. Physics.
Enlisted candidates of M.Sc.(Physics) counseled today i.e. 01/09/2023 are directed to deposit the fee before 04/09/2024.
Notice for enrollment in NCC
The enlisted candidates are directed to attend counseling of M.Sc. chemistry on 01 & 02 September, 2023
The following candidates are directed to appear for counseling of M.Sc. Physics admission on 01/09/2023
Application are invited from eligible candidates for Guest faculty (purely on Temporary basis) for teaching in B.Voc. for the session 2023-24.
Online application are are invited for admission in M.Sc. Physics First Year in SP, PWD and cultural category before 31/08/2023.
Online application are invited in certain category for admission in MA Hindi first Semester. Eligible candidate may apply before 30/08/2023
Candidates who appeared in counseling in M.Sc. First Semester on dated 25 & 26 August, 2023 are directed to pay fee online before 29/08/2023
Eligible candidates(ST, SC,PWD,Sports And Cultural Category) may apply online for admission in PGDCA First semester upto 29/08/2023 till 10:00 AM and appear for counseling on 29/08/2023 at 11:00AM.
Eligible candidates (PWD,SP And Cultural Category) may apply online for admission in M.Sc. Chemistry First semester upto 29/08/2023 till 10:00 AM and appear for counseling at on 29/08/2023 at 11:00AM.
2nd Merit List of M.Com 1st Semester.
Revised Datesheet for SPU examination
Information regarding the counseling in M.Sc. Chemistry First Sem. whose counseling was scheduled on 25 & 26, August, 2023 and they fail to appear before committe, can appear for counseling on 28/08/2023
online Applications are invited in certain category for admission in MA Hindi First Semester upto 28/08/2023 till 11:00 AM.
online Applications are invited in certain category for admission in PGDCA first Semester upto 28/08/2023 till 10:00 AM and appear for counseling at 11:00 AM.
Eligible candidates(PWD,SP And Cultural Category) may apply online for admission in M.Sc. Chemistry First semester upto 28/08/2023 till 10:00 AM and appear for counseling at 11:00AM.
HPU has decided to postpone the examinations scheduled on 25/08/2023. The new dates will be notified later on.
The examination of Sardar Patel University Mandi, scheduled on 25.08.2023 is hereby cancelled.
As per the orders from SDM Dehra, College will remain Close on 24/08/2023.
HP University has decided to postpone all the University examinations scheduled on dated 23.8.2023 to 24.8.2023. The new/ revised schedule of the examination will be issued in due course of time.
The examinations of Sardar Patel University Mandi, scheduled on 23.08.2023 & 24.08.2023 are hereby cancelled. The new dates for these examinations will be notified in due course of time.
The College will remain Close on 23/08/2023, as Per the Orders of SDM Dehra. All Counselling Schedules for 23/08/2023 and 24/08/2023 are Cancelled and Re-Scheduled on 25/08/2023 and 26/08/2023 Respectively
Merit List, Waiting list and Counseling Schedule for PGDCA First Semester
Merit List and Counseling Schedule for MA First Semester Hindi
Regarding vacant seats in M.Com. First Semester in various categories the eligible candidates can apply online against the category before 24/08/2023
Merit list and Counseling schedule of admission for M.Sc. (Chemistry) 1st Semester
Merit list and Counseling schedule of admission for M.Sc. Physics 1st Semester
Information regarding last date to apply, Display of Merit list and Counselling Schedule for PGDCA 1st Semester
Merit list and Counselling Schedule for M.Com. First Semester on 21st August,2023 at 11:00 AM
Regarding NCC New Enrolment ; Date: 23rd August 2023
Revised admission schedule for M.Sc. Physics and M.Sc. Chemistry
Extension of last date for online application in MA(Hindi, English and Economics) and PGDCA UPTO 20/08/2023
As per the orders of government the schools and colleges will remain closed on 16/08/2023
HP University has decided to postpone all the University examinations scheduled on dated 16.8.2023 to 19.8.2023.
The examinations of SPU which were scheduled from 14/08/2023 to 19/08/2023 have been cancelled due to incessant rain in the region.
This is for information of all worthy Principals of colleges affiliated and maintained by H P University that keeping in view the incessant rains and inclement weather conditions in Himachal Pradesh, the University has decided to cancel all the ongoing examinations of Post Graduate classes including B. Ed. exams scheduled on 14/08/2023.
The Govt. of Himachal Pradesh ordered to keep all schools and colleges closed on 14th August 2023. However as per the orders of DM Kangra, the examinations will commence as per schedule. The SPU examination to be held on 14th August are also postponed.
The examinations of Sardar Patel University, Mandi scheduled on 14-08-2023 have been postponed.
Information regarding PTA General House
Application invited for Non- Subsidized seats in BCA First Year.
Online application are invited for admission in PG courses (Physics, Chemistry, English, Economics, Hindi, M.Com., PGDCA)
Online applications are invited for admission in non subsidised seats in BCA 1st year
Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission in Non-Subsidised seats of BCA First Year upto 30/07/2023
Counselling schedule for vacant seats of BCA 1st Year
Online applications are invited for some vacant seats in BCA
Online applications are invited for some vacant seats in BCA
Extension of admission date for UG classes
Intake in BCA has been increased upto 100
Tentative Time-Table for B.Com. Classes 2023-24
Tentative Time-Table for B.Sc. Classes 2023-24
Tentative Time-Table for BA Classes 2023-24
Counselling schedule for vacant non subsidised seats in BCA
Counselling Schedule for admission in non subsidised seats for BCA
Counselling Schedule for admission non subsidised seats in BCA
Last date of admission for First Year(BA/ BSc/B Com/ BVoc/BBA/ BCA) extended upto 22 July, 2023
Merit list and counseling schedule of B.Voc. First Year 2023-24
Admission notice for Non Subsidised Seats in BCA 1st Year
Information regarding counseling of Non- subsidized seat in BCA First Year( list attached)
Counselling Schedule of remaining applicants for B.Sc. 1st year
Application are invited for admission in BCA First Semester from eligible candidates in ST, PH and Cultural category.
Merit Lists in r/o B.Voc courses will be displayed on 15/07/2023
Last date for Admission is extended upto 15/07/2023
First Merit list of B.Sc. First Year Medical
Corrigendum in r/o Interview to be held on 11/07/2023
College will remain closed on 10th and 11th July 2023 in view of Heavy Rainfall
First Merit list of B.Voc. Hospitality and Tourism
First Merit list B.Voc. Retail Management
First Merit list B.Sc. First Year Medical
Counselling Schedule for BA for the session 2023-24
Online Applications are invited for some vacant seats in BBA
Counselling Schedule for B.Sc. Physical Science(Non Medical)1st Year for the session 2023-24
Online Applications are invited for some vacant seats in some categories for admission in BCA
Applications are invited for some vacant seats in BBA
Applications are invited for vacant seats in specific categories in BCA
Counseling Schedule and Instructions Regarding Admission to BCA and BBA for the Session 2023-24
Tentative Waiting List of BCA for the session 2023-24
Tentative Merit List of BCA for Subsidised Seats for session 2023-24
Tentative Waiting List of BBA for the session 2023-24
Tentative Merit List of BBA under Subsidised Category for the session 2023-24
Counseling Schedule for Roll- on admission of BA/ BSc/ B Com Second and Third Year
Information regarding admission committee and Rooms number for physical verification and counseling of students for the session 2023-24
Admission Schedule for the Session 2023-24
Regarding registration in Old Student Association(OSA)
Information regarding admission to B.Voc. Courses ( Hospitality and Tourism, Retail Management)
Information regarding admission in B.Voc. Courses
Information regarding Admission Schedule for BBA/BCA First Semester 2023-24
Information and Schedule regarding Admission for UG classes
All the old students kindly Register yourself with OSA by clicking on the link given here
Information for PGDCA/ MBA first semester students to upload migration certificate on SPU examination and migration portal
All the students of the M.Sc. Physics, Chemistry and MA Economics of this college are informed to collect their Detailed Marks Certificate
All the students of BA/ BSc/BCom/BVoc and PG classes are directed to deposit the second installment of fee before 31/01/2023 with late fee of 01 rupee per day
Information for BA/BSc/BCom I,Ii,III Year, BVoc and PG students to Deposit Second installment of college fee on or before 30/12/2022
Information regarding the extended date for second installment of college fee
It is for the information of College Students that MTT Will start from 19/12/2022. The Datesheet will be notified shortly.
Students of BA/BSc/BCom/MA/MSc/MCom First Year are directed to fill Online Examination forms at www.spumandi.ac.in on or before 15/12/2022 and submit hard copy of the same in office
College will remain closed on 08/12/2022 for students on account of Election counting Process
Regarding Extension of last date of centre and state sector scholarship scheme till 31.12.2022
All Students of 1st year who have not yet registered themselve on the SPU portal are hereby advised to do the registration as soon as possible.
Special chance to the students who failed in 1st year to sit in 2nd year
Extension of last date for admission and registration in BA/BSc/BCom First Year upto 30/11/2022
Notification regarding deposition of Second installment of fee before 15/12/2022
Information for students of B.Sc./BA/B.Com. II year students to deposit the Hard copy of First Year result.
Regarding opening of students registration portal of SPU Mandi for the Academic Session 2022-23
The college will remain closed on account of diwali festival w.e.f. 22-10-2022 to 26-10-2022
Information regarding formation of PTA General Body for the Session 2022-23 on 20.10.2022 at 01:00 PM.
Last date for First Year (UG) admission extended upto 18.10.2022
Scholarship Notice: Last date for online-filing of fresh and renewal application for scholarship on NSP portal is 31.10.2022. So apply within time frame and submit hardcopy in college.
Information regarding PTA body formation (Second Meeting) on dated 15.10.2022 at 02:00 PM Venue: Multipurpose Hall
Information regarding PTA General House at 02:00PM on 11.10.2022 (Venue: Multipurpose Hall)
Information regarding PTA General House at 02:00 PM on 11.10.2022 (venue-Multipurpose Hall)
The students who have not submitted PTA forms are hereby directed to Submit these by tomorrow evening as per this notice
Extension in Last date of admission
Extension in Last date of admission
Regular classes of M.Sc.First and M.Sc. Third semester Chemistry starts from 08.09.2022.
Fifth merit list for admission in M.Sc. First Semester, students are advised to pay fee within given time limit
Time Table of BA for the session 2022-23
Regarding regular teaching of PG Classes
Celebration of 75 Years of independence" Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav-Yuva Utsv" all the students are advised to participate actively in different events...
Following students of M.Com. First Semester are advised to pay fee before notified dates.
Information regarding joining as NCC Cadets
Important notice for PG 3rd Sem Students
Second Merit list for admission in M.Com. First Semester (2022-23)
3rd Merit List of M.Sc Physics 1st Sem
2nd Merit List of M.Sc Physics 1st Sem
Invitation of names for participation in different events of HPU Youth festival Group IV. Intrested students may give their names to Prof. Sanjeev Jaswal and Dr. Laxmi Versain within stipulated period.
Applications Invited for Admission in MBA 1st Semester for Few Vacant Seats till 25th August 2022
2nd merit list for admission in M.Sc Chemistry against vacant seats.
Applications are invited for admission in MA First semester (session 2022-23) in different categories which are lying vacant
Application are invited for admission in M.Sc. Physics First Year in various categories.
Applications are invited for some vacant seats for admission in M.Com 1st sem.
Applications are invited for admission in various categories which remains vacant in PGDCA first semester
Waiting list for Admission in M.Sc. first semester (Session 2022-23)
Applications are invited for vacant seats in M.Sc Chemistry 1st Sem
Revised merit list of M.Sc Chemistry 1st Sem
Time Table BCA Department
Tentative merit list of PGDCA
Applications are invited for admission in M.Com for some vacant seats.
Applications are invited for few vacant seats in M.Sc. Physics 1st Sem
Merit List and Waiting List in respect of Admission in M.Sc. Physics 1st Sem
Few seat lying vacant in various categories for MA Hindi First Semester, so application are invited offline/online against such categories
Merit list for MA Hindi First Semester, students who have counselled earlier are advised to pay fee within two days.
Final Merit list of M.Com. First Semester session 2022-23
Time Table for UG Classes for the Session 2022-23
Extension in Date Of Admission
Merit List in r/o B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer Science
Information Regarding some events to be organised under Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav
Counselling Schedule for PGDCA for the session 2022-23
Information regarding Various competitions to be held from 06th to 12th August, 2022 on the eve of 75th Anniversay of Independence Under Programme GHAR GHAR TIRANGA
Counselling Schedule for PGDCA 1st Sem Applicants
Date of Application is Extended for MBA 1st Sem for the session 2022-23
Date of Application is extended for MA English, MA Economics and B.Voc 1st Semester for the session 2022-23
Counselling schedule for Admission MA First Semester (Hindi) session 2022-23
Following candidates are advised to attend the counselling for admission in BCA as per the schedule mentioned.
Counselling Schedule for M.Com. First Semester Session 2022-23
Counselling Schedule for Admission in M.Sc Chemistry for the session 2022-23
Regarding Graduate Add On Programs
Following candidates are advised to attend the counselling for admission in BCA as per the schedule mentioned.
Counselling Schedule for MSc Physics 1st Sem. (Session 2022-23)
Following candidates are advised to attend counselling for admission in BCA
Admission for vacant non subsidised seats in BBA is open w.e.f. 03/08/2022
Counselling schedule for some vacant seats for admission in BCA
Schedule for admission in PGDCA
Admission schedule for MA Hindi First Semester for the session 2022-23
Information for eligible students that scholarship portal has opened from 20 July 2022 to 31 October 2022 for various state and centre sponsored scheme, Eligible candidate may apply....
Counselling Schedule for Applicants of BCA for some Vacant Seats
Extension of Last date of admission for UG classes
Schedule for PG Admission Process for M.Sc. Physics, M.Sc. Chemistry, M.Com.
Counselling Schedule for MBA 1st year.
Information regarding vacant position in different categories of BBA,BCA First Semester
Information regarding vacant position of different categories in BBA and BCA first semester
Waiting list for BCA First Year Admission ( 2022-23)
Merit list and counselling schedule for BCA First Year (2022-23)
Merit list and counselling schedule for BBA First Year (2022-23)
Information regarding college canteen
Counselling schedule for the admission in B.Sc. Third Year (Life Sciences and Physical Science) on 27th and 28th July 2022
Walk in interview for guest faculty in MBA department
Counseling schedule for B.Sc. Second Year (Physical and Life Sciences) on 26th July 2022
Important dates regarding the admission in BCA and BBA 1st Year.
Counselling Schedule for B.Sc. Non Medical 1st Year Applicatns
Counselling Schedule for BA 1st Year Applicants
Extension of Last date of admission for UG classes.
Counselling schedule for B.Sc. First Year Medical (22,23 July, 2022)
Counselling Schedule for B.Com 1st Year Applicants
Extension of date of application submission in the courses of BBA and BCA
Regarding enrollment of BA/BSc/BCom Final year students for National Apprenticeship Training Schemes(NATS)
Required Guest Faculty in MBA department purely on a temporary basis for teaching MBA classes.
MA Hindi Time Table w.e.f.01.04.2022
List of Students who have not paid 2nd Installment of college fee
Interested students who want to participate in the fashion show (Annual Function) are hereby advised to join the audition at 12:00 Noon, date 24.02.2022 (Multipurpose Hall)
Last date for submission of College Fee Second Instalment is extended upto 15/02/2022
From Disaster Management Cell, Govt of Himachal
Closing of Institutions
Urgent Notice Regarding Graduate Add On Programme.
Congratulation to all the Stakeholders on being part of Govt. Utkrisht Mahavidyalya Dhaliara
Mid Term Examination Datesheet for the session 2021
All the eligible aspirants wish to get admission in M.Sc Physics First Semester (few vacant seats) are advised to get admitted on first come first serve basis from tommorow onwards i.e. 24th November, 2021.
Regarding Filling of Online Registration Form for Academic Session 2021-22 by the students of 1st Year UG Classes
SJVN Silver Jubilee Merit Scholarship Scheme for the session 2020 & 2021
Extension of last date for filing of Scholarship forms on NSP Portal
Notice regarding Screening and Ground Test for the enrollment in First year NCC
Following candidates belonging to E.W.S Category are directed to attend the counseling for M.Sc Chemistry on 23/10/2021
Following Candidates are advised to pay their Fee in r/o their admission to M.Sc Chemistry 1st Year til 22/10/2021
Following Candidates are directed to deposite fee till 18th October 2021
Following Candidates are directed to appear with all relevant documents for the subject of M.Sc Chemistry to be held on 19th October 2021
List of slected candidates for the amission M.Sc Physics in third counselling.
The students enlisted below in attached documents are advised to appear for counselling for the subject M.Sc. Chemistry (few vacant seats) with all relevant documents on 16.10.2021 in the Department of Chemistry.
Regarding the event on theme "Glimpses of Mathematical Applications in various fields" on 27th October 2021.
Regarding the event on theme "Glimpses of Mathematical Applications in various fields" on 27th October 2021.
Revised list of students for counseling of M.Sc Physics to be held on 14th October 2021.
Tentative merit list of applicants based on CGPA for M.Com. 1st Sem is displayed on document attached herewith.
Seats in SP,ST, cultural and PC categories are still vacant in M.Com. First Semester. Eligible candidates(appeared in HPU Entrance Exam) are advised to visit the concernd department on 08th cctober, 2021
Today dated;07.10.2021 PTA Executive body elected for the session 2021-22. Newly Elected office bearer are : Sh. Ashok Kumar( President), Sh. Mohinder Pal(Vice President), Prof. Rajeev Kumar(Secretary), Sh. Babu Ram(Joint Secretary) , Sh. Rakesk Kumar(Chief Advisor), Sh. Sher Singh (Treasurer), Members as Smt. Manju ba;a, Sh. Suresh Kumar, Sh. Dilip Kumar & teacher Members are Prof Kanchan Ranout, Prof. Sanjeev Kumar, Dr. laxmi Versain.
All the Post Graduate Courses (Third Semester) are directed to fill their form and deposit the fee before 15.10.2021, through online mode by clicking on www.gcdhaliara.in
Candidates belongs to ST, Sports, Cultural & PC category may apply for M.Sc. Physics offline on 06-07 october,2021 in the office.
The students enlisted of EWS & SC category in document attached herewith are advised to attend the counseling on 07.10.2021 at 10:00 AM in the Department of Chemistry.
List of candidates selected after second round of counselling in M.Sc. Physics First Year, Students enlisted are directed to sumbmit admission fee latest by 07October, 2021
The PTA constitution Meeting re-scheduled on 07th october, 2021 due to incomplete corum in the previous meeting held on 04 October,2021.
Information for eligible candidates (appeared in HPU entrance Exams) in the categories; EWS,ST,SP,Cultural & PC some seats of such categories are still lying vacant in M.Sc. Physics, M.Sc. Chemistry & M.Com are advised to visit the concerned department on 4th & 5th october, 2021.
The PTA constitution Meeting re-scheduled on 4th october, 2021 due to incomplete corum in the previous meeting held on 29th September,2021.
List of candidates for the second round of counselling in MSc. Chemistry to be held on 4th and 5th october,2021
Second round Counselling of M.Sc. Physics First Year
Tentative Merit list for the subject of MA Hindi
Information regarding general House for framing PTA(Parent Teacher Association) body for the session 2021-22 is scheduled to be held on dated 29th September, 2021 at 01:00 PM.
The students who have applied for Admission in MBA and PGDCA First Semester are advised to appear for counseling on 27 and 28, September,2021
and have to deposit the collge fee on or before 30.09.2021All the students are invited to join The Run for Fitness Compaign on 21.09.2021 at 10:45 AM
Last date for Online Admission of UG classes has been extended upto 25.09.2021
The following selected candidates(NCC) are directed to report at Department of Geography at sharp 10:00 AM on 15/09/2021 with all documents.
Miss Priyanka Bhuria Of B.Sc. Final Year Brought laurels to the college by securing Fourth postion in HP University Examination 2020-21
Online Applications are Invited for Various PG Courses Viz(M.Sc(Physics,Chemistry),M.A. Hindi,English,Economics),M.Com, MBA(Under Self Finance Scheme Affiliated to HPU), PGDCA for the Session 2021-22 ---- To Apply Now, Click on Flashing Online Admission Link on the College Website.
Scholarship Notice for Various Categories.
On the occasion of Hindi Diwas, Department of Hindi is going to organize an inter-college competition on 14th September, 2021
Admission Date for UG 1st to 3rd Year is extended upto 15th September
Screening Test for NCC Enrollment for First Year Students
Date Extension
Couseling for admission in BCA 1st Semester (subsidised seats) on 27/08/2021 at 10:00 AM. (list attached)
BCA Merit List(2nd) and Waiting List
Click Here to Check out the 2nd Merit List and Schedules for BCA and BBA 1st Year
Last Date to deposite the College Fee by the stduents of BCA and BBA 1st Year who were in Merit and got Counseled.
Appllications are invited for remaining vacant subsidized seats in BCA First year by 20th August,2021,
Click Here to Check out the Merit List and Schedules for BCA and BBA 1st Year
Counseling for BA/BSC/BCOM 1st Year Starting From 16/08/2021
Regarding Display of Merit List for BCA and BBA 1st Year
Counseling Schedule for B.A. II Year Students
SoPs to be followed in present COVID-19 Pandemic time in institutions.
Admission Date in UG Classes 1st Year to 3rd Year is extended upto 23rd August 2021.
Counseling Schedule for B.A/B.Sc.III Year students.
Admission Open for Bacheolar of Vocation (B.Voc)
1. Store Manager (Retail Management)
2. Duty Manager ( Hospitality and Tourism)
Date for Submission of Online Application Forms for the Students of 2nd and 3rd Year Students is Extended upto 09/08/2021
Admission Guidelines for B.Voc. Programme
Urgent Attention related to Online Admission
Admission Schedule for the Session 2021-22
Disaster Management Plan
Admission Process and Instructions for Online Admission in B.A./ B.Sc./ B.Com/ BCA/ BBA 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd (Year) and 1st/ 3rd/ 5th Semester.
Regarding promotion of B.A./B.Sc./B.Com 1st and 2nd Year students to next higher class and Admission for the session 2021-22.
Virtual Seminar on “We for Environment”. Date: 05-06-2021, Time: 02-05pm on the World Environment Day was organized by Government College Dhaliara, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh in collaboration with Kalp Foundation, Mandi and Pratibha Spandan Society, Shimla.
One Day Online National Seminar on “Innovative ideas in multidisciplinary research” on 26 june 2021 organized by Government College, Dhaliara, Kangra in collaboration with Pratibha Spandan Society, Shimla & Kalp Foundation, Mandi.